Thursday, February 4, 2016

Operation C#

These days I find myself doing more mini coding projects than anything else as it relates to technology. I’m currently working on The Phoenix Project, which encompasses multiple operations and subcategories, all of which involves going through some forms of programming related task.

I’m currently inside of Operation C#, an operation that has around 15 steps, with each step meant to be somewhat of a prerequisite for the next. Some of the steps involves another language (Java) but is mostly there to add solidity to my understanding of OOP.
Operation C# steps are below.

Step 1.√ Study for and earn certificate  MS C# EdX Class
Step 2.√ Study Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step by Step
Step 3.√ Study Visual C# 2012 Deitel. Video answers are here:
Step 4.√ Study the C# OOP videos I downloaded especially the 2:43 hrs/minute long one.
Step 5.√ Study the C# Microsoft Virtual Academy videos.
Step 6.√ Study the C# OOP videos at
Step 7.√ Study Lynda OOD videos
**Apps I already have that will be uploaded. √HealthProfileApp, √BeastForge Algo Tester, and maybe the Calorie Burner app if finished**
Step 8. √ Create C# Security+ Quiz App
Step 9. √ Create C# Health Profile App
Step 10.√ Create C# Tech Jeopardy App
Step 11.√ Create Java Student Regesteration App (This was to create a self challenge)
Step 12. Study Stanford's SQL course.
Step 13. Create C# Resume/Software
Step 14 Study the C# (70-483) Certification videos to the book. *Create videos tutorials every time I finish a chapter.
Step 15. Take and pass the C# (70-483) test.

I’m currently working inside of step 12. The main purpose for this step is to get a good review of SQL. While I do have a CIW Database certification, I do think it's still prudent to review learned skills.


  1. congrats on starting your coding journey! All the best on your project and progress :-)

  2. Thanks and the same to you. I watched some of your videos on Youtube yesterday and they are all awesome.
